Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I have a future

I got into graduate school today! Yay! I'll be doing a M.Sc. in Development Economics at Trinity, Dublin. If anyone else will be on the emerald isle next year, holla!

I'm really excited about this, as those of you with whom I've spoken about this know, I actually didn't expect to be admitted anywhere, let alone such a good program. This ends weeks of anxiety regarding the issue. Now I just have to prove worthy of the honor and avoid flunking out.... just kidding (ljctkoj?) - I plan on taking this one a lot more seriously than the time at GW, and actually will do well. It also means that my schedule posted on the blog will stand as is, at least all the big legs.

p.s.: I know this post stinks, but it's the best I can do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

way to go, willis

if you can wait to start drinking vodka and grapefruit juice until after about 10am, i think you should do better in dublin than you did at gw.
