Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Quick one for Bert

I'm working on a complete rundown of the Guinness factory visit with Kep (they've been roasting barley again, I've been able to smell it from my apartment the last 2 days) a couple weeks ago. However, this was too good to be true - at least for Bert's anti-hippy campaign.

Check out this naming vote for humpback whales under way by Greenpeace. Nothing too fishy going on there except further proof that democracy may not generate the best choices by the masses - seriously, Mister Splashy Pants ? - but then I noticed something odd: Take a look at when the voting closes.

That's right folks, Greenpeace officially runs on Amsterdam time!

I'll be back with more soon. And if you were wondering - of course I voted for Mister S.P., ruler of the sea and official supplier of Neptune's Grand Golden ShowerTM.