Resurrection V1.1
Hey everyone! I know it's been quite a while since I last let anything be heard from me, but some of you may have been receiving phone calls over the past few weeks and such, so you know I actually am still alive. Somehow, we managed to survive the trans-Siberian train and all, although I have to say that as hectic as my life was in the last weeks of travel, it has only been more so since I got back to England. In case anyone still reads this, here's a short round-up:
-Got home, started tutoring lessons the next day, continued that a couple days a week and spent time studying on my own.
-Went sailing in Croatia with the family. Unfortunately, this did not represent a reprieve from study, but just meant study plus seasickness. I should add that only mathematics was actually able to induce sickness, which says more about math than about the ocean.
-Moved to Ireland, spent the first couple weeks trying to find a place to live while being in classes all day long and studying at night.
-Found a place to live, but still struggled with classes.
-Had a week off from school and went to see Prachee in NYC, which was loooong overdue and had an absolutely amazing time.
-In week 2 of the main part of the program now, and I am very much overwhelmed by what I do on a daily basis.
For those of you who don't know, I'm currently doing an M. Sc. Economics at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.
Before i started here, I didn't realize exactly how quantitatively based the course is, and as such I've been having trouble with that. Here's an example of in-class material:
So, we do a couple of pages per hour like this. I think the above page was 10 minutes worth of work. And if you don't really understand what's going on, that's ok - I don't really know either.
very very glad you came to NY
very very glad you came to NY
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