Tuesday, February 20, 2007

This isn't what I signed up for

All the guide books agree. I will paraphrase, but basically, they all say: "Chile's lake district is probably the most beautiful place you'll ever visit. And it's totally unique."

Well, I disagree, and because I went to the area based on that description, I feel cheated. Imagine going to watch agent Zero and him putting up a big zero for the game. Or worse, getting married and finding your now-husband aseep next to Q.P. Livingston before the night is out. But before you file this away as a random rant, let me explain myself.

Beyond doubt the lake district is amazingly beautiful. However, as I and a number of other (German) travellers have agreed upon, it is not that different from the Alpenvorland in southwestern Germany. However, there is one remarble difference: There are active volanos here! I guess I shouldn't really belittle that difference, since, you know, they can kill you. And indeed, as more time passes betwen my having been there and my thinking about it, I do realize how spectuacular that region was, especially compared to dry browns that constitute most of Argentina.

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