So I referenced the movie The Beach in my last post. This may be the best movie ever. Well, not really, but it can be good in certain situations. And i think it's actually a disturbingly large part of the reason I came to this country.
So here is a picture of me in the hostel. Man, do I look ridiculous, or what? I should mention that on the first night, I kept thinking I would run into the blood-soaked Daffy character every time i turned a corner, or see blood running out under the doors.... ok, so I'm a little crazy, but we all knew that already, right.
Here's some other stuff about Thailand: The country name means the land of smiles, and indeed, lots of teeth visible here. People are really friendly, except that a lot of cab drivers try to rip you off. And apparently the organ trade is alive and kicking here, so I'll try and stay out of that. But aside from that, things are great. Also, the food is relatively clean here compared to other countries in the region, and especially compared to Latin America. they also have a weird calendar: they use Western days and months, but count the years from Buddha's enlightenment. Therefore, I am a time traveler and am writing to you from the year 2550. Also unusual are the large number of girlie boys here. If you don't know what that is, imagine walking up to a counter staffed by a pretty girl. However, when she speaks you realize she isn't really a she. And she has big feet. Also, not all girlie boys are in the same state of transformation, making things.... interesting. Bert, it might not be for you. Also, I'm very close to the james bond Island. If you are asking yourself "which one?" and then continue with "that one?" the answer is yes.
And here's a picture I just felt I had to add. My caption is: "Naked Gun come to life". If anyone has other/better suggestions, please feel free to share them.

Last but not least, shout outs to Prachee, who continues to be amazing every day.